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This Father-Daughter Duet Is Cute, But Where Are the Fireworks?



Awww, this is so cu — wait, was that a firework?

When his daughter couldn’t fall asleep, YouTuber Benjamin J. Ames brought out his camera and ukelele to try and serenade her into slumber.

But who can fall asleep when there’s the possibility of fireworks? All hopped up on the excitement of an earlier display, this little girl wasn’t about to miss out on the chance of seeing more explosions in the sky

As you can see in the video, she’s too smart for any and all distractions. She shushes her dad each time she hears a noise, convinced it could be fireworks. The result is this adorable, interruption-filled duet Read more…

More about Video, Viral Videos, Kids, Father, and Cute Kids

Read more : This Father-Daughter Duet Is Cute, But Where Are the Fireworks?

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