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ThinkPad 2013: Clean Design, Big Trackpads and Smart Batteries



Laptops are evolving, and so is the ThinkPadLenovo is adapting some key models in the industry-leading line of business laptops it inherited from IBM to better appeal to today’s power users. The latest ThinkPad Ultrabooks have some novel design elements that were directly influenced by feedback from — in the company’s words — “next-genners.”

Before you ask, the ThinkPad’s signature red TrackPoint is still there. But the separated trackpad buttons — a mainstay of the line — are gone, discarded in favor of integrated mouse buttons and a larger trackpad. The new integrated pad is found on the ThinkPad Ultrabooks X240 and T440S (both shown, above), as well as the ThinkPad S Series laptops. Red stripes along the top of the pad give a visual cue to where there buttons once were. Read more…

More about Lenovo, Windows 8, Laptops, Thinkpad, and Ultrabooks

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