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The Real Problem With a Service Called ‘Ghetto Tracker’



A service called “Ghetto Tracker” appeared online at the beginning of this week and quickly drew criticism for its racist and classist overtones. Shortly after, the site was renamed “Good Part of Town.” Its creator, who would only identify himself as a 30-something-year-old in Tallahassee, Fla., told Gawker: “This was originally seriously developed as a travel tool and the name ‘Ghetto Tracker’ was meant to be something that people would remember.”

The basic premise of Ghetto Tracker/Good Part of Town — to crowdsource travel advice -– actually isn’t so outrageous, but the framing, even without the word “Ghetto” in the name, and the intention — to label whole geographic areas as “good” or “bad,” “safe” and “unsafe” — make the operation distasteful. Read more…

More about Apps, Travel Planning, Walking Directions, Apps Software, and Mobile

Read more : The Real Problem With a Service Called ‘Ghetto Tracker’

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