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The Next iPhone: Complete Coverage Of Apple’s Big Event

It’s finally showtime for Apple fans.

At 10am Pacific Time today, Apple is expected to unveil two new iPhone models, some of which may be gold, some of which may have an embedded fingerprint scanner; the formal unveiling of its new operating system, iOS 7; and updates to Apple TV and the iPod lineup. There may be other surprises, including the possibility of new iPad models and—who knows?—maybe even an iWatch.

It’s Apple. It can still surprise us.

ReadWrite will be covering it all live, right here, starting about 9:45am PT. Join us here for news, commentary and analysis of Apple’s special event in Cupertino. We’ll see you then.

In the meantime, have a gander at our previous coverage:

Read more : The Next iPhone: Complete Coverage Of Apple’s Big Event

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