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The Coldest Journey: Documenting an Expedition Across Antarctica



On December 6, 2012, a six-man team left London to complete one of the most extreme polar challenges in the world: the first ever trans-Antarctic winter expedition

Veteran explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes joined five colleagues aboard the ‘SA Agulhas’ aiming to make history and raise money for Seeing is Believing, a global charity fighting to stop avoidable blindness. And if that isn’t enough, the team also conducted research on climate change upon the poles as they traverse the Arctic

“It is a unique opportunity to carry out a number of scientific tasks in the extreme polar environment, which will make a significant contribution to our understanding of the true effects of global warming on the Antarctic continent, ” said Fiennes. One of the main objectives is to collect data about the condition of the ice sheets themselves, providing invaluable insight to climatologists who haven’t previously been able to study the ice during the winter months Read more…

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