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The 31 Startups Twitter Has Acquired



Twitter‘s looming IPO brings up a lot of questions, the biggest of which being what going public will mean for the company’s future

As any good history teacher will tell you, the best way to understand the future is to consider the past. An acquisition, whether it be for patents or talent or anything between, can speak volumes about a company’s future plans.

Twitter has made a whopping 31 acquisitions since its inception in 2006, and it’s easy to notice trends in the types of acquisitions the microblogging site has made. Namely, there is a focus on mobile and advertising, with a few notable acquisitions in other types of social media, such as Vine and We Are Hunted, which went on to become Twitter Music Read more…

More about Acquisition, Twitter, Acquisitions, Social Media, and Business

Read more : The 31 Startups Twitter Has Acquired

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