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The 10 Most-Liked Brands by U.S. Facebook Users



Walmart is the most-liked brand by Facebook users in the United States, claiming 31 million American fans on the social network — a whopping 94% of the retail giant’s total fan base.

Statista‘s chart, below, ranks the 10 most-liked brands by U.S. Facebook users, as well as the percentage of fans that hail from the U.S.

List-toppers also include Target, Amazon and Samsung Mobile. Further down, an interesting trend emerges: Fewer of the brands’ total fans come from the U.S

The most striking example is Coca Cola, whose 11.9 million U.S. fans make up just 16% of the brand’s total Facebook likes. Read more…

More about Facebook, Walmart, Brands, Marketing, and Social Media

Read more : The 10 Most-Liked Brands by U.S. Facebook Users

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