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TechCrunch Droidcast Episode 6: Nokia’s Experimentation, Sony’s Kitchen Lunacy, And Android At Disrupt


Darrell and I pride ourselves on making the TechCrunch Droidcast a Wednesday staple, but alas, we just couldn’t find the time at Disrupt to record the show. I know, I’m sorry.

To make up for it, we roused ourselves early this morning to record a slightly special weekend edition of the show. Topics on the agenda? Darrell and I weigh in on Nokia’s experimentation phase with Android, Sony’s bizarre desire to break into the culinary tablet space, and the newly acquired HTC One that Darrell has been fawning over for the past few days.

And of course, we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about some of the neat Android-centric projects and startups that appeared at Disrupt SF 2013, so expect some chatter on the Monsieur and virtualization startup Nubo to boot. Strap in folks, it’s gonna be a weird one.

We invite you to enjoy weekly Android podcasts every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Eastern and 2:30 p.m. Pacific (well, almost every Wednesday), in addition to our weekly Gadgets podcast at 3 p.m. Eastern and noon Pacific on Fridays. Subscribe to the TechCrunch Droidcast in iTunes, too, if that’s your fancy.

Intro music by Kris Keyser.

Read more : TechCrunch Droidcast Episode 6: Nokia’s Experimentation, Sony’s Kitchen Lunacy, And Android At Disrupt

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