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TC Cribs: eHarmony’s Santa Monica HQ, Where Love Is Definitely In The Air

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Welcome to a brand new episode of Cribs, the TechCrunch TV series that takes you inside the walls of the tech industry’s hottest companies to see what it’s like for the smarty-pants staffers who work there every day.

It’s not often that a tech company’s office can be described as “romantic,” but that’s exactly the theme of the decor at the Santa Monica, California headquarters of online matchmaking pioneer eHarmony. As you’ll see in the video above, eHarmony likes to keep its users front and center, so the office is covered with photos of smiling happy couples (many of them in wedding attire) who have met each other using the website.

eHarmony’s overarching mission goes beyond setting up fun first dates: As VP of product Arvind Mishra told us during the Cribs tour, the company’s main goal is to lower the overall divorce rate by making sure people are well-matched from the very beginning of a relationship.

Check out the Cribs tour to see the hundreds of happy couples that practically serve as eHarmony’s wallpaper, catch a sneak peek of founder Dr. Neil Clark Warren (of TV commercial fame) hanging out over lunch with his staffers, and more.

Read more : TC Cribs: eHarmony’s Santa Monica HQ, Where Love Is Definitely In The Air

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