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Tay Zonday Covers Miley Cyrus: ‘We Can’t Stop’



This is the moment the Internet has been waiting for. In 50 years, we’ll all look back and say, “I know exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard Tay Zonday cover Miley Cyrus.”

In case you’ve been living in a root cellar for the past two months, Cyrus took the web by storm with a WTF music video for her single “We Can’t Stop” in June. Couple that with her childhood-ruining performance at the VMAs, and you’ve got to ask yourself: What took Mr. Zonday so damn long to produce this frothy, dulcet-toned homage?

If you look closely, you’ll spot a few other YouTube stars in the video — Lamarr Wilson and Andre from Black Nerd Comedy. Read more…

More about Youtube, Music, Miley Cyrus, Tay Zonday, and Watercooler

Read more : Tay Zonday Covers Miley Cyrus: ‘We Can’t Stop’

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