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Startup Alley Shows Its Diversity With Companies From Cairo To Moscow

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Running across a tiny startup from Cairo or one from Moscow is part and parcel of Startup Alley at TechCrunch Disrupt, which often has companies from the farthest-flung corners of the world. I came across Instabug when I was in Cairo this year so it was great to run into them on the Alley. Likewise, I was impressed by LiveMap, the SatNav embedded in a newly designed motorcycle helmet I found in Moscow. Rubbing shoulders with them in Startup Alley was Scootdoodle from San Francisco.

“Based in San Francisco, Scoot & Doodle is a social-creativity platform where friends and classmates think visually and work creatively together inside live, collaboration studios that provide an innovative space to share, brainstorm, create, and problem-solve together, whether at home, at school or on-the-go.”

“Instabug offers services for mobile app developers to help them testing their applications, starting with a revolutionary in-app feedback mechanism. To know what Instabug is doing, imagine yourself using a mobile app and you want to send a feedback! You could do it your way: where you take a screenshot of the app, close the app and compose an email with your feedback and all device details as well as the steps to reproduce the error and send it to the developer. Or you could do it the Instabug way; by just SHAKING the device! by doing this you get our feedback form within the app itself where you write your comment and we also attach a screenshot of the app that you can also annotate to highlight the part relevant to your feedback. For developers, we provide a detailed report for each feedback sent with all device details such as the device model, OS version, memory and storage usage, as well as the wifi and carrier and the user’s location. It’s all the details of the testing environment.”

“Livemap produces a motohelmet with a navigation system. Motorcyclists still need an effective navigation tool except the usual paper maps or touch-screen navigators. Using maps requires frequent stops, navigators distract the biker’s attention and are not safe to be operated on the go. There is a device that would perfectly meet the bikers’ requirements but up to the present day only fighter pilots could enjoy its advantages. Yes, we mean helmet-mounted displays.”

Read more : Startup Alley Shows Its Diversity With Companies From Cairo To Moscow

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