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Sorry, Neil: Carrie Underwood Is Twitter’s Most Viral Emmys Star



The winner for the most discussed moment of the 65th Annual Emmys — according to tweets per minute — is Carrie Underwood, for her tribute performance of “Yesterday” by the Beatles.

Underwood’s performance, which honored the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ debut on The Ed Sullivan Show, brought in 17,090 tweets per minute, beating the runner-up for most Twitter reactions, Elton John’s performance (13,720 TPM).

The coolest thing about singing “Yesterday” on the #Emmys is the sweet letter I got from @PaulMcCartney giving me his blessing to sing it!

— Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) September 23, 2013 Read more…

More about Twitter, Tv, Emmys, Entertainment, and Carrie Underwood

Read more : Sorry, Neil: Carrie Underwood Is Twitter’s Most Viral Emmys Star

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