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Soccer Star to Sign Digital Autographs During Google+ Hangout



Major League Soccer will provide some fans with a unique gift on Monday: a digital autograph. The league’s top young star, Portland Timbers midfielder Darlington Nagbe, will host a Google+ hangout on Monday at 5 p.m. ET, complete with an autograph session during which fans will receive a signed digital photo

Nagbe, who took the top spot in the MLS’ “24 Under 24” list last Friday honoring the league’s best players under the age of 24, will also answer fans’ questions during the video call

After a fan asks a question, Nagbe will sign a photo of himself using a tablet. That digital autograph will then be emailed to recipients in the form of a PDF. The digital autograph isn’t meant to replace the customary physical autographs that fans are accustomed to chasing, said Chris Schlosser, VP of MLS Digital Read more…

More about Google, Social Media, Sports, Google Hangout, and Mls

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