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See Elon Musk’s Real-Life ‘Iron Man’ Lab



You know how in the Iron Man movies, Tony Stark has an ultra-high-tech lab where he can manipulate 3D holograms with his hands? Well, it’s totally fake — unless you happen to be Elon Musk. The celebrity CEO has built a 1.0 version of that lab with technology anyone can buy.

In a YouTube video from SpaceX, Musk’s rocket-building company, he shows how he created a design lab that employs a Leap Motion controller to manipulate 3D designs via gesture. As Musk demonstrates configuring a rocket part by waving his palm up and down — a more natural way to interact with design, he says.

More about Elon Musk, Iron Man, Motion Control, 3d Printing, and Spacex

Read more : See Elon Musk’s Real-Life ‘Iron Man’ Lab

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