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Samsung Announces the Galaxy Gear Smart Watch



BERLIN — It’s finally here: Samsung announced its Galaxy Gear smart watch, two days before the official opening of the IFA Berlin trade show

After an early reveal of the Gear on the wrists of Icona Pop singers in New York, Samsung CEO J.K. Shin unveiled the real thing here in the Tempodrom event venue, in front of what we’re told told is an audience of 2,500 people

The device’s specifications are somewhat less exciting than what was rumored: a 1.63-inch, 320 x 320 pixel Super AMOLED screen, a 1.9-megapixel camera (placed on the wristband), an 800MHz processor, 512MB of RAM and 4GB of storage

If you’re wondering what that camera could be used for, here’s an idea: Memographer. It’s a feature that lets users record photos and videos on the go and share them on social networks. Yes, that doesn’t sound too revolutionary, but the fact that you can do it from your wrist — without pulling the phone from your pocket — makes it a bit more useful Read more…

More about Samsung, Tech, Gadgets, Smart Watch, and Galaxy Gear

Read more : Samsung Announces the Galaxy Gear Smart Watch

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