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Rival Epically Trolls ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ With Promoted Twitter Trend



The hotly anticipated Grand Theft Auto V hit shelves on Tuesday, giving gamers of all ages spasmodic fits of joy. Many of those gamers logged on to Twitter, where they saw the promoted trend #GATV

Makes sense, right? Not quite. A quick skim of the hashtag on GTA V‘s launch day could easily cause readers to confuse it for #GTAV, with one’s mind unconsciously swapping the middle two characters, and assuming a GTA connection. But in an expert display of trolling prowess, the trend actually came from rival Saints Row gaming franchise, which used it to promote a new set of features for one its main characters, Johnny Gat, while drawing some laughs from gamers in the process. Read more…

More about Marketing, Gaming, Entertainment, and Grand Theft Auto V

Read more : Rival Epically Trolls ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ With Promoted Twitter Trend

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