PBS Digital Studios, the creators of the inspirational Mister Rogers “Sing Together” remix, is set to debut a new series called The Art Assignment in early 2014. The show aims to “demystify the art making process.”
Co-creators (and husband and wife) John and Sarah Urist Green are collaborating with PBS Digital Studios to bring the series to YouTube. They will travel around the country, visiting artists and taking on art assignments. Viewers interact with the artistic process by posting their responses to the assignments online.
“The Internet is a good space to bridge a non-traditional art audience with participatory and socially engaged art,” John Green told Mashable. “What we call a meme, can actually be viewed through an artistic lens.” Read more…
More about Art, Video, Watercooler, Videos, and Pbs Digital Studios
Read more : PBS YouTube Series Demystifies the Meme Creation Process
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