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Pandora Names Former Microsoft SVP as New CEO



Pandora named Brian McAndrews, a former Microsoft exec, as its new CEO on Wednesday, ending a six-month search to replace longtime CEO Joe Kennedy

McAndrews joined Microsoft as a senior vice president in 2007 after it acquired aQuantive, a digital marketing company which he built up and ran. That acquisition didn’t work out particularly well for Microsoft: It took a $6.2 billion writedown on the aQuantive deal in 2011

McAndrews left Microsoft at the end of 2008 and later joined Madrona, a venture capital firm, as an investing partner. He also is a board member of several prominent companies including The New York Times Co. and Grubhub Seamless Read more…

More about Microsoft, Pandora, Business, and Music

Read more : Pandora Names Former Microsoft SVP as New CEO

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