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One Stop Shop: 25 Mashable Digital Resources You Don’t Want To Miss



It’s been a busy week. Maybe you were playing Grand Theft Auto V. Maybe you were binge-watching entire seasons of House of Cards and Breaking Bad in preparation for the Emmy Awards. Or maybe you were just color-coding your fall cardigans. Whatever you were doing, if you missed a few tech articles, don’t sweat it. We’ve got you covered

Here at Mashable, we’ve rounded up the top 25 digital media resources of the week in a one stop shop for your convenience. Scroll though core strengthening exercises from YouTube, find out what we’d change about Twitter and learn how to be a bit safer with five app suggestions designed to ward off the creeps Read more…

More about Social, Twitter, Apps, Features, and Business

Read more : One Stop Shop: 25 Mashable Digital Resources You Don’t Want To Miss

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