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Nintendo 2DS: Budget Handheld Holds Up



Nintendo shocked everyone last week when it announced the 2DS — a budget version of its popular handheld aimed at kids that does away with some features for the sake of price.

The console isn’t coming out until Oct. 12, and Nintendo said it would make the media rounds later in September. So we were surprised to find two strapped to a Nintendo employee at PAX in Seattle over the weekend.

The Nintendo 2DS is a flat version of the normally clamshell shaped handheld, and all the buttons have been repositioned to accommodate that. It still features two screens, like the 3DS, but without that system’s stereoscopic, glasses-less 3D that was one of the much-touted features when the handheld launched. Read more…

More about Gaming, Nintendo, Entertainment, Pax, and Nintendo 2ds

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