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New Ticketmaster Feature Would Show How Much You’re Overpaying



Ticketmaster is kind of like that uncle you never speak about at Christmas dinner. The company is both a necessary evil and the incarnation of evil itself.

We all know about the hardships of having to shell out an arm and a leg to see you favorite band play from the nosebleeds, the big-band small-venue ploy that is pulled yearly for better fan experience — also known as really expensive tickets (I am looking at you Tom Petty two weeks at the Fonda theater in Los Angeles.) None of this is new to us. Blatant ripoffs have been a huge topic of conversation in the last decade. What irks the consumer most, though, is thinking about the pure amount of profit that is going to these companies and resellers and not to the bands we would like to support. It is downright disgusting. Read more…

More about Ticketmaster, Concert Tickets, Online Tickets, Entertainment, and Film

Read more : New Ticketmaster Feature Would Show How Much You’re Overpaying

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