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New Hasbro Ad for Monopoly Cat Piece Is Purrfection



Monopoly’s silver feline has pounced onto the game board, saving countless players from real life cat scratches.

Before the cat game piece’s debut, parents and children struggled to incorporate their furry friends into family game night. Clearly, cats want no part in your capitalism-themed festivities — which is why the new game piece comes in handy.

Hasbro celebrates the cat’s debut with a clever ad that reminds everyone of the dangers of trying to play boardgames with kitties.

Last January, Hasbro asked the public to vote for a new game piece. The iron piece got the boot in favor of the Internet-friendly cat Read more…

More about Games, Viral Videos, Ads, Monopoly, and Cats

Read more : New Hasbro Ad for Monopoly Cat Piece Is Purrfection

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