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Must Reads: How 3D Printing Saves Lives, Smart Watch Fails and More



During the week, we consume words in snackable, tweetable bites. But on the weekends, we have the time to take a dive into the murkier, lengthier depths of the Internet and expand our attention spans beyond 140 characters. We can brew a cup of coffee and lie back with our iPads, laptops, smartphones and Kindles.

Since you’re bound to miss a few things during the daily grind, we present to you, in our weekly installation of Mashable Must Reads, a curated collection of can’t-miss stories to read and reflect on. (You can find last week’s must reads here.) Read more…

3D Printing Is a Matter of Life and Death

More about Ecommerce, 3d Printing, Tech, Gadgets, and World

Read more : Must Reads: How 3D Printing Saves Lives, Smart Watch Fails and More

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