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Motorola Patents Arm Band to Detect Moods, Track Your Gaze



Today, we use wearable devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Gear or Nike Fuelband to read social media updates, text messages or keep track of our health. In the future, however, wrist-worn gadgets could be used as a main hub to control the electronic devices around us and may even be able to detect our gaze and mood. At least that’s what Motorola has in its pipeline.

A recently uncovered Motorola patent describes a wearable electronic device that can be used to manipulate displays on mobile devices, computers and maybe even televisions. This bracelet would comprise a flexible housing that would feature a display and multiple sensors for detecting how a user interacts with any given electronic device. Read more…

More about Motorola, Technology, Patents, Wearable Tech, and Tech

Read more : Motorola Patents Arm Band to Detect Moods, Track Your Gaze

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