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Monkeying Around At The TC Disrupt Hackathon

crunchies monkey selfie

It’s not often that we get to see the Crunchies Monkey. When he’s not busy shopping at the Facebook Store or taking a Lyft from Square to the TechCrunch office, he’s usually working hard to identify all the hottest new startups that have launched every year.

That takes a lot of patience and focus. And most of all, a lot of bananas.

But today, hackers at the TC Disrupt Hackathon got a surprise visit from the Crunchies Monkey, who had a lot of fun shaking hands, giving high-fives, and checking out what folks are hacking on. Because who knows, just as GroupMe did a few years ago, the next big startup might come out of tonight’s hackathon.

Check out his journey above, and look out for an extra-special guest cameo by TechCrunch alum Jason Kincaid!!

(Unfortunately not shown: The Crunchies Monkey getting tackled.)

Read more : Monkeying Around At The TC Disrupt Hackathon

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