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Modular LEGO-Like Smartphone Design Cuts Down on Waste



Dave Hakkens, a Dutch designer, has proposed a LEGO-like modular smartphone design called Phonebloks that would let you swap out features like the antenna, battery or processor when they age out or stop working. That way, you wouldn’t have to throw away the entire phone when one component fails

Hakkens used Thunderclap, a social media amplification platform, to spread the word about his design. As of Wednesday morning, he had achieved his goal of 50,000 supporters — including Demi Lovato. The video above garnered more than 1 million view, and Hakkens is planning another social media push on Oct. 29 to get the attention of phone manufacturers. Read more…

More about Mobile, Startups, Lego, Tech, and Dev Design

Read more : Modular LEGO-Like Smartphone Design Cuts Down on Waste

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