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Microsoft Opens Trade-In Program to BlackBerry and Android Devices



It was only last week that Microsoft announced a trade-in program, offering at least $200 in Microsoft Store credit (toward purchases like the new Surface tablet) for used iPads in good working condition.

Now the software giant has decided to up, and decidedly broaden, the trade-in ante

Although technically called a “Corporate Buyback Program,” a Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions page says it’s open to “anyone that’s ready to trade up to an amazing new Microsoft device.”

Aimed specifically at those wanting to trade-in used devices (iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Samsung and others) for a new Microsoft Surface tablet, Windows PC, laptop or Phone, the buyback program offers up to $350 in credit toward the purchase of a Microsoft device. Read more…

More about Microsoft, Android, Samsung, Trade Ins, and Tech

Read more : Microsoft Opens Trade-In Program to BlackBerry and Android Devices

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