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Massaging Vest Combats Stress While You Wear It



Grabbing a massage as you walk around town has never been so easy.

A group of Cornell students recently invented an electric vest embedded with tiny motors intended to knead and massage the user’s back and shoulders. The vest, which was created in hopes of relieving stress linked to negative health effects, was even designed to mimic human touch. “It’s like someone stroking you really lightly, like a mother soothing a kid who just woke up from a nightmare,” one of the vest’s creators, senior Marina Gaeta, told the Cornell Chronicle

Stress causes the body to release a hormone known as cortisol, which can negatively impact a person’s health if released for extended amounts of time. The effects can include increased heart pressure, decreased bone density, obesity, and impaired cognitive performance Read more…

More about Stress, Cornell, Gadgets, Lifestyle, and Health Fitness

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