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Look Like a Pirate With This Free Photo App



Avast! Sept. 19 is no ordinary date — it’s that special day of the year when you’re allowed, nay encouraged, to talk like a pirate.

In addition to rolling our “arrrrs” and liberally peppering our speech with mention of grog, pieces of eight and planks, we’ll be celebrating this wonderful occasion by giving our profile photos a pirate makeover

Thanks to the free iArrPirateapp for iOS, you too can give yourself the parrot, eye-patch and cutlass you know you so richly deserve

A Pirate Photo App for iPhone


Head over to the App Store for the iArrPirate app. It’s free to download, so your pieces of eight are safe for now. You can choose to snap a new pic to pirate-ify, or select an existing shot from your iPhone’s camera roll Read more…

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