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Live From Apple’s iPhone 5S Announcement


Here we go! After months of rumors and a seemingly endless torrent of speculation, it’s finally time for Apple to announce what they’ve been working on for the last few months.

While we can never be completely sure what Apple is set to announce, the signs have long been pointing at the debut of a new iPhone 5S, as well as the potential announcement of a second, cheaper iPhone variant that the ol’ rumor mill has dubbed the “5C”.

Apple’s announcement is set to begin at 10 AM Pacific (12PM Central, 1 PM Eastern, 6 PM London) today, and we’ll be bringing you back all of the up-to-the-second news by way of our live blog down below. We’ll be kicking off the live blog a bit before then (let’s say, 9:30 am?) with commentary and photos from the scene, so tune in early!

Read more : Live From Apple’s iPhone 5S Announcement

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