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Little Boy Feels Your Pain, Has Meltdown Over iOS 7



Derek Colling’s 4-year-old son woke up to a very different world Thursday. His dad had updated his iPad to iOS 7 — and nothing would ever be the same againPastels! Colored balls! Control Center!

Colling recorded his son’s emotional reaction to the software update, and it basically echoes how we all feel about change and Apple’s revolving door of technology. It’s just not socially acceptable for those of us over age 6 to weep in public every time our phones change

It’s ok, little buddy. We hear there are some positive things about iOS 7 — like turning folder names into swimming whales — which should hopefully make up for the distress it has caused you. Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Iphone, Apple, Watercooler, and Videos

Read more : Little Boy Feels Your Pain, Has Meltdown Over iOS 7

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