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LinkedIn Demands Transparency From U.S. Government in Court



LinkedIn filed a legal challenge against the U.S. government in the Unites States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) Tuesday in an effort to publicly share information regarding the government’s requests for LinkedIn user data. LinkedIn reported the challenge in a letter to the LinkedIn community, and the professional network also sent a letter to the FBI

The challenge pertains to government requests for user data “related to U.S. national security-related matters,” wrote LinkedIn General Counsel Erika Rottenberg. LinkedIn, along with other major tech companies including Facebook, Google and Yahoo, is not allowed to release information regarding such requests. “Make no mistake, we deeply respect and support the U.S. government’s strong interest in, and its obligation to protect, national security,” wrote Rottenberg. “However, this interest must be weighed against transparency and accountability.” Read more…

More about Government, Linkedin, Prism, Transparency Report, and Social Media

Read more : LinkedIn Demands Transparency From U.S. Government in Court

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