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Liberals Attack Yelp for Pursuing a Liberal Cause



Earlier this year, a Facebook-led advocacy group pursuing immigration reform, raised the ire of liberals with the tactics it used to pursue its goal. Now it’s the review site Yelp’s turn. Led by, liberals are waging a campaign to shame a company for pursuing a liberal cause, while alternately ignoring the issue at hand or explicitly saying they agree with it.

MoveOn recently launched a petition to pressure Yelp to drop its membership from the American Legislative Exchange Council, a group that writes model legislation for states on a range of issues, most notoriously “Stand Your Ground”-style self-defense laws and legislation raising barriers for people trying to register to vote. The petition has gathered about 15,000 signatures, and on Friday the organization is holding a rally in front of Yelp’s headquarters in San Francisco. To hear it from MoveOn, Yelp has suddenly decided to dive into a right-wing political agenda: Read more…

More about Campaign, Petition, Yelp, Liberal, and Us World

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