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Laser-Equipped NASA Orbiter Is Bringing Broadband to the Moon



A NASA orbiter that is set to launch this week will bring broadband capabilities to the moon.

Aboard the orbiter, which is called the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), is technology to enable two-way laser communication between Earth and the moon.

As explained by New Scientist:

LADEE will carry a laser with a near-infrared wavelength that is thousands of times shorter, as part of the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration experiment. LLCD will beam signals to Earth at 622 megabits per second, six times as fast as is currently possible from the moon.

Through this new technology, we’ll be able to receive information from the moon in a matter of seconds Read more…

More about Space, Nasa, Broadband, Science, and Moon

Read more : Laser-Equipped NASA Orbiter Is Bringing Broadband to the Moon

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