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Kim Dotcom Sues New Zealand for $4.85 Million



More than a year after his arrest, Kim Dotcom is going on the offense, suing the New Zealand government for the raid on his mansion and its preceding surveillance.

Dotcom filed a lawsuit against the government seeking to be compensated for a total amount of $6 million New Zealand dollars (approximately $4.85 million), as first reported by The New Zealand Herald. The suit was filed earlier in the year, but it was only made public this week.

The exuberant file-sharing entrepreneur wants to be compensated for the raid in which Dotcom and his associated were arrested by local police working on behalf of the U.S. government on Jan. 20, 2012. The controversial operation was preceded by months of surveillance by the country’s spy agency, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB). Read more…

More about New Zealand, Megaupload, Us World, World, and Kim Dotcom

Read more : Kim Dotcom Sues New Zealand for $4.85 Million

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