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JumpCam App Helps You Crowdsource Real-Time Videos With Friends



Creating a real-time video with your friends around the world is now a lot easier than you might think.

A new iPhone app called JumpCam lets you create collaborative videos with up to 30 different people at once. In Instagram Video-meets-Final Cut Pro style, the app can combine up to 30 different 10-second clips into a single video to be shared with friends on Facebook, Twitter or embedded on a website. You can add filters and music to the final product to give it a polished look.

Either record videos within the app or pull them from your phone’s video library. You can add clips over time to existing videos, which will almost instantly update the video in each place it exists. You can customize the viewers and the contributors, restricting that ability to only friends, people you invite or the entire JumpCam community. Read more…

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