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iPhone 5S, 5C Drop Tests Reveal True Value of Apple’s New Cases



The various smartphones we tether ourselves to often feel a bit like magic given all the things they can do. But the fragility of some can quickly break the spell and remind us that these are actually delicate, miniature computers we’re carrying around with us

Thankfully, there exists a small group of gadget lovers willing to suffer for us and test out the weaknesses of our favorite devices before we decide to upgrade to the latest model.

Just days after the release of Apple’s iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, Techsmartt’s Keaton Keller took both devices, wrapped them in the new cases from Apple, and gave them a few drop tests to see how they would hold up. Read more…

More about Youtube, Apple, Iphone Cases, Tech, and Dev Design

Read more : iPhone 5S, 5C Drop Tests Reveal True Value of Apple’s New Cases

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