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Incredibeard Reveals Hairy Truth About Internet Fame



When two beards meet, the greater beard has the right of way. Isaiah Webb (a.k.aIncredibeard) can attest to this fact

The 29-year-old San Franciscan gained traction online, from Instagram to Tumblr to Reddit, over the past year — and he shows no sign of slowing down.

SEE ALSO: Stop-Motion Beard Tricks Will Tickle Your Fancy

Mashable spoke to this up-and-coming follicle fiend about life, death and the ins-and-outs of beardhood

Mashable: How long have you been growing your beard? When was the last time you were completely clean-shaven?

Incredibeard: The last time I was clean-shaven was around 15 years ago. I have had some type of facial hair since. However, it wasn’t until 18 months ago that I decided to grow out my beard. Read more…

More about Twitter, Watercooler, Pics, Conversations, and Incredibeard

Read more : Incredibeard Reveals Hairy Truth About Internet Fame

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