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IFA Berlin 2013: Huge Phones, Smart Watches and 4K



Although CES and Mobile World Congress, which take place in January and February, are the first big consumer electronics events of the year, it’s Berlin’s IFA that gives us the first important announcements after the summer doldrums

As such, IFA (which stands for Internationale Funkausstellung, if you’re curious) has gained in importance in recent years, with nearly all tech giants (sans Apple, which shuns these types of conferences anyway) having some kind of big product launch, usually accompanied by several smaller ones

Samsung and Sony Go Big

Last year, it was a Samsung and Sony show. Samsung has announced Galaxy Note II, as well as a Windows-based tablet and the first Windows Phone 8 smartphone. Sony has given us a trio of new smartphones as well as several tablets and Ultrabook laptops. Read more…

More about Sony, Samsung, Lenovo, Lg, and Ifa

Read more : IFA Berlin 2013: Huge Phones, Smart Watches and 4K

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