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Hypnotic Burning Man Time-Lapse Captures Magic in the Desert



Burning Man 2014 starts in approximately 11 months and 11 days, which means you have a lot of time to kill until your Instagram feed lights up with dazzling shots of the Black Rock Desert

Until then, reminisce on the beauty of the summer festival with this hypnotic time-lapse.

The footage begins with the building of the city and continues until the fiery final night. To get the shots, Jason Phipps and his team set their cameras atop Old Razorback (known as Trego Park to Burning Man-attendees), which is almost 5,500 feet above sea level.

The distance of the footage does leave out the eccentric details of the event, but instead, captures the overall brilliance of the make-shift community that is created yearly in celebration of “radical self-expression.” Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Time Lapse, Burning Man, Timelapse, and Watercooler

Read more : Hypnotic Burning Man Time-Lapse Captures Magic in the Desert

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