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Horse_ebooks Is Fake, and Everything You Know Is a Lie



The Internet’s favorite equine spammer Horse_ebooks left users in wonder for years with its cryptic fragments of text. Yet the widely-followed account has, along with most viral phenomenons and memes these days, fooled us all.

The account was not a spambot or even a horse, but part of a large performance art piece from the collaborative minds of Jacob Bakkila and Thomas Bender

As you might know, I am a full time Internet

— Horse ebooks (@Horse_ebooks) February 24, 2012

The duo revealed on Tuesday in a small New York City gallery that the experiment has been in effect since 2011. For 742 days, @Horse_ebooks has posted a piece of spam roughly every two hours. Each fragment was recycled information from previously published work. Sometimes, it would link to a website selling self-help ebooks. Read more…

More about Art, Memes, Watercooler, Videos, and Horse Ebooks

Read more : Horse_ebooks Is Fake, and Everything You Know Is a Lie

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