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Google’s new UK HQ plans include a rooftop pool and track

Google’s new London headquarters in Kings Cross look set to be given the thumbs up by planners, meaning the staff are in for a treat with the inclusion of a swimming pool and athletics track on the roof of the building.

Google’s already well-known to provide its staff with luxurious offices, free food (although, it did put big data to work to reduce employee’s M&M intake) and a bunch of other treats, but this is the first we’ve heard of one of its headquarters offering a pool in the skyline.

As well as this, the 1 million square foot offices, should they go ahead as planned, will offer employees the use of various gyms and a ‘multi-use games area’.

➤ Roof-top running track for Google, as planners decide on 1m sq ft London campus [Property Week  (paywall) via The Guardian]

Featured Image Credit – AFP/Getty Images


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