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Google Launches ‘Constitute’ Site for Exploring World’s Constitutions



You can now read, search, and compare 160 constitutions from around the world thanks to Constitute, a website launched by Google on Monday

The site, developed by the Comparative Constitutions Project, with seed funding by Google Ideas, has digitized the constitutions of 160 countries, making them fully searchable. A user can browse the constitutions using nearly 350 curated tagged topics like religion, political parties, or civil and political rights; or simply search by year or country

The idea behind the project was to make the world’s constitutions easily available to people in countries drafting new constitutions, to give them a chance to see what others have done in the past. It also allows regular citizens to explore their own country’s constitution. Read more…

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Read more : Google Launches ‘Constitute’ Site for Exploring World’s Constitutions

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