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‘Game of Thrones’ With Light Sabers



Khal Drogo has crossed over to the dark side.

Digital artist JB Casacop combined the worlds of Star Wars and Game of Thrones to create Darth Kahl-Drogo. Casacop told Mashable that the inspiration behind this new piece came after he decided to try something different from his usual GoT work

GoT star wars image

“It’s not that simply making GoT sketches wasn’t fun anymore,” he said. “It’s just that a lot of people are doing it already. If you Google ‘Khal Drogo art,’ you’ll see several renditions of him based on the same photograph. So I asked myself, ‘how do I deviate from that?’ That’s when I remembered the likes of ‘DC Elseworlds’ and all the DC/Marvel crossovers I’ve read as a kid.” Read more…

More about Pics, Art, Star Wars, Game Of Thrones, and Watercooler

Read more : ‘Game of Thrones’ With Light Sabers

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