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‘Ferrari of Space’ Doomed: Satellite Will Fall From Space in October



A European satellite is facing a fiery doom next month, when it is expected to begin falling from space to end a successful mission to map Earth’s gravity. The spacecraft runs out of fuel in October, but exactly when and where it will fall to Earth isn’t yet known.

The fiery re-entry of the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer satellite, which the European Space Agency has billed as the “Ferrari of space,” will occur about two or three weeks after the satellite runs out of fuel in mid-October, ESA officials said.

“The affected area will be narrowed down closer to the time of re-entry,” the officials explained in a statement. “Taking into account that two-thirds of Earth are covered by oceans and vast areas are thinly populated, the danger to life or property is very low.” Read more…

More about Space, Earth, Europe, Science, and Satellite

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