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F*ck Cancer: Ditch the Pink and Embrace the F Word



Ditch the pink and embrace the F word.

That’s the advice of Yael Cohen, the 26-year-old founder of F*ck Cancer, also known by its PG moniker, “F Cancer.” Cohen’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, and Cohen got her mom a shirt that read, “F*ck Cancer.” Her mom proceeded to wear the tee everywhere, and Cohen witnessed firsthand how people responded to the irreverence. She realized then and there she had hatched an international movement to stop sugarcoating cancer.

“I learned more than I ever thought I’d know or ever really wanted to know about the cancer space,” says Cohen. “It became really apparent that there were things we weren’t doing and things we could do better.” Namely, engaging her own generation, which is neither the target audience nor the typical donor for a cancer charity. Read more…

More about Social Good, Health Care, F Cancer, Social Entrepreneurship, and Supported

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