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Family Shuns Technology Made After 1986



Meet the McMillans. They’re like a lot of families — young, unmarried, with two kids, a boy and a girl — with one notable exception: They live every day like it’s 1986. Not in some vague, listen-to-The Bangles-and-wear-some-Spandex kind of way, but in a manner that is deliberate and drastic and all-encompassing. The McMillans, at home, have given up all technology that was introduced to the world after 1986.

Yes. Which means: phones, but no iPhones. Videos, but no DVDs. Video games, but no Xboxes. Photos, but no Instagrams. TV, but no cable. For a year that started in April, the Toronto Sun reports in a profile of the ’80s-tastic Canadians, the McMillans have been doing their banking in person. They’ve been entertaining themselves with books. They took a family road trip this summer, and navigated using paper maps — and kept the kids entertained with coloring books and stickers Read more…

More about Old Technology, Technology, Family, Canada, and Lifestyle

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