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Facebook, Google+ Prepare for National Bullying Prevention Month



“National Bullying Prevention Month,” isn’t until October, but social media sites are already gearing up for the conversation

Facebook released a social media safety manual Wednesday to help parents, children, and educators better understand and safely utilize the platform. The manual, officially titled the “Facebook for Educators and Community Leaders Guide,” joins a handful of similar guides previously released by the company to help combat bullying and safety issues online

Meanwhile, Google+ is teaming up with PopSugar, a media network that operates a number of female-focused websites, for three to four different Google Hangout sessions throughout October. The Hangouts will be hosted by Google+ and PopSugar Moms, and will address issues like cyberbullying, suicide prevention, and a “Parent-Teacher Conference” session about how educational institutions can better support safe student activity over social media channels Read more…

More about Google, Facebook, Twitter, Cyberbullying, and Social Media

Read more : Facebook, Google+ Prepare for National Bullying Prevention Month

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