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Explosive ‘RoboCop’ Trailer Spotlights How Man Became Machine



RoboCop, the crime-fighting cyborg that sci-fi fans first grew to love on the big screen in the 1980s, is back in the long-delayed RoboCop reboot’s first movie trailer

After a car explosion gruesomely injures police officer Alex Murphy (played by Joel Kinnaman), scientist Dr. Dennett Norton (Gary Oldman) and the villainous OmniCorp CEO Raymond Sellars (Michael Keaton) transform the wounded Murphy into RoboCop

“This is the future of American justice,” Samuel L. Jackson, who assumes the role of media mogul Pat Novak, says in the trailer. The film also stars Abbie Cornish as Murphy’s wife.

More about Films, Entertainment, Movies, Robots, and Science Fiction

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