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Evernote and 3M Digitize the Post-It Note



Your Post-It notes just got smarter

3M announced a new partnership with Evernote on Thursday that turns your real-world sticky notes into digital notes that can be saved, shared or viewed from anywhere.

Post-It notes are digitized through a new “Post-it Note Camera” feature in Evernote’s iOS 7 app. Notes that are photographed with the camera are digitally enhanced and uploaded to your Evernote account.

Notes can be organized by color within Evernote and the content is searchable. You can also add a reminder or due date to a specific note — such as a time you need to pick someone up from the airport or a payment due date for a bill Read more…

More about Evernote, 3m, Tech, Apps Software, and Mobile

Read more : Evernote and 3M Digitize the Post-It Note

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